
Man on the Moon

…Our paths are already set in stone. Some may never figure out their purpose in life, some will…

This is the story of a young man who not only believed in himself, but his dreams too.

This is the story of the man on the Moon!” Kid Cudi – Man on the Moon.


The Moon. The Mother.

Goapele sings “you’re the darker side of the Moon, always in the shadows, helping me to shine, shine, shine!

She is the source of our:

  • instinctive reaction,
  • unconscious predestination,
  • everyday mood,
  • sensitivity,
  • emotions.

The Moon represents the feminine side of our personalities (boy and girl), intuition and imagination.

For him however, the Moon represents his mother and later his wife, and his relationship with women in general.

For her the Moon is almost as important as the Sun and the Ascendant.

  • Her element is water,
  • She is cold and moist,
  • She rules Cancer,
  • Is in fact sitting at 24° in Cancer, 3rd house today where I am.
  • Is in exaltation in Taurus,
  • Is in analogy with the stomach.



  • The mother,
  • The wife,
  • The crowd (the collective),
  • The Moon is associated with birth and childhood.
  • Tradition also matches her with the end of life – not literally – but rather an end of a phase to give way to a ‘new life’, or letting go of situations and habits that no longer serve our big picture.


Enjoy Moon light tonight. Let its shadow be your protector, nurturer and guide to your own light – YOUR LIFE PURPOSE.
